Monday, June 25, 2012

Better minds

Well, changing the world is something that can be seen as impossible, because always there is some interest behind everything that rules our world.

Something that it’s very useful to make the world a better place is culture and sports.
If our children spending their times not only being prepared to the their professional life, but really be prepared to have a good life, practicing sports, learning how to play an instrument, paint, write, act and about the importance of all cultures in the world 

Music has a magic power and together with sports, other arts, and the “regular” education accessible for ALL children in the same conditions I believe that we can make the next generations with better minds and thoughts.

Cleber Guimarães

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you Clever when you say that culture and sports can make the world a better place. I completely believe that sports have done much more to get people together and push them to the same direction than any political initiative.

