Monday, June 25, 2012

How Yolanda would change the world

Humberto Maturana
Love is the grounding of our existence as humans and is the basic emotioning in our systemic identity as human beings.

Hello everybody

Why we do what we do?

Because, We have learned do that.
I´m absolutely convinced that if we change education, We can change the world.

In 1955 no one of us had be borne, but yesterday while We were watching the movie The long walk home, I thought.  The world had changed; We receive, in many senses, a better world.
In our days there is more equality between genders, We are more ethic, We have more integrity as human beings. The problems continue but there are more social responsibility and more social awareness about how our actions have consequences. 

We can make changes, everybody can be more: positive, optimistic, kind, honest, ethic; SO I MUST TRY, if I change someone else could changes, but it is sure that at least one person changed, ME.

Transforming education is transforming the world. We need to find a way to establish more consensuses about what constitutes positive and negative conduct, what is right and what is wrong. We need to learn to speak respecting differences and accepting that everybody has a partly right.

The problem with politicians is that when they are trying to get the power; he or she is no thinking in how I can serve people, he or she is usually thinking, how I am going to take advantages, or wow I´m powerful, but it is a personal selfish way to understand the power.

Artists always express better.


  1. I completely agree with you. If we change education, we can change the world. Thanks for the video! Music is powerful...

  2. I agree with all your statements! Education is the key to change in many aspects of our lives. Excellent use of multiple media (pictures, quotes, video)! - Jess

  3. Nice approach!! Hopefully someday we'll be able to actually educate ourselves and the generations to come in such a way that everyone would understand that we are all different, and that that is the reason why we have to respect each other, not accept, but truly respect...

  4. Nice Yolanda.
    Wonderful video.
