Saturday, June 16, 2012

Edison´s first week in New Orleans

I   arrived at Louis Armstrong International airport on Saturday June 9, Isolda, who is  an student of Loyola University, picked me up of the airport, I came tired on Saturday and I met to Andres, who is my roommate, and we talked only few minutes and I went to rest.

Sunday in the morning at 7 am I went to the French quarter by the streetcar, my goal was to get some fruit or something for my breakfast in the next week, it was a nice experience because I visited canal street, Canal street is a major  in thoroughfare the city of New Orleans dividing line between French Quarter between the older French Spanish Colonial-era city and the newer American sector, today´s central business district,I walked to the Mississippi river and visited the Insectarium and  the aquarium, there were beautiful animals and the guides explained all about each place, I paid $21 for two places.

20080622 St. Charles St. Trolley behind tree with Mardi Gras beads.JPG

In the week I have an organized schedule it begins at 6 am, when I take a shower,
after I take my breakfast normally  fruit with yogurt, and I go to take classes, After classes I go to eat  with my friends Cleber and Andres at Tulane´s University restaurant where we eat Chinese food or maybe different kind of salad.

After that normally I prepare homework and study for the next day, ten or eleven pm I go to sleep.
Friday, June 15 after classes I went with my classmates to Audubon park where we share a nice moment with our teachers, we ate hamburgers and hot dogs, really we share beautiful moments, thanks all people of Loyola University who provide the food.

In the night Yolanda, Belen, Clever, Andrés and me went to a jazz concert and it was nice, after that, we  went to walk by the Bourbon street, It extends 13 blocks from Canal street to Esplanade avenue, now primarily known for its bars and strip clubs where I tested a Hand Grenade cocktail, it is sold frozen or on the rock,the Hand Grenade has been served in a green translucent, plastic container with a bulbous, textured base shaped like an over-sized, The grenade has anthropomorphic features, including black oval eyes and an upturned smile, it has melon-flavored, you can enjoy it.


  1. Good post man.
    It's good to see that everyone are enjoying be here in this amazing city.

  2. Great pictures Edison. Your description is really complete, you finally discovered which alcohol we drank that night in those grenades bombs.

  3. Excellent pictures! Also good detail in your descriptions! I'm glad you're having so much fun!
