Sunday, June 24, 2012

Edison Politics and Reciprocity (how to change the world)

I will use the Maslow's hierarchy of needs to explain how could have a better world. There is an abundance of beauty and good in the world, but it still has plenty of problems. The world could be made better. Many of us would like to help build a better world. Below are things that I think anyone can do to help build a better world.


Leaders around the world could work in many basic factors Maslow's hierarchy of needs for creating programs that concern it.

FOOD (First level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs).

To eliminate extreme poverty and hunger, reducing poverty starts with children.

More than 30 per cent of children in developing countries – about 600 million – live on less than US $1 a day.

HEALTH AND EDUCATION.  (Second level Maslow's hierarchy of needs).  Getting girls to   school.

Educated girls are likely to marry later and have healthier children. They are more productive at home and better place, better able to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS and more able to participate in decision-making at all levels.

RESPECT FOR OTHERS (Fourth level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs).
Creating a protective child environment. Conflicts are most frequent in poor countries, especially in those that are ill governed and where there are sharp inequalities between ethnic or religious groups. An environment of unrest heightens the risk of abduction, sexual violence and exploitation of children.


OWN YOURSELF. Recognize that you are a sovereign and unique Individual and make the decision to own yourself in spirit, mind and body. Become the owner of your life and destiny and take personal responsibility for them. This essential decision will guide your other decisions in life, re-orienting and re-creating your existence around the principle of personal sovereignty. Recognizing the sovereignty of other Individuals provides the foundation for ethical social interactions. Owning yourself and recognizing the sovereignty of others are both ongoing processes.
BE A MENTOR. Consider what you have achieved by owning yourself, becoming powerful and creating value and how you can help that process to replicate itself in the lives of others by acting as a mentor. A mentor is formally defined as someone who acts as a trusted counselor or teacher. Informally, a mentor is someone who draws out the potential in others and helps them to develop it.

We can try it.


  1. Edison, I like your post very much. The Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one of the most important psychology theories that explain human behavior. It is very interesting how you combine politics with basic human needs. =) (Maria)

  2. I love this idea! It is an interesting application of the psychology! Very well done! Also, great use of images in this post! Great suggestions; very thoughtful!

  3. Edison
    It is a powerful idea that every human being is responsible for the children environment. If we understand that how our actions show at children right or wrong behaviors. We can start some changes. (Yolanda)

  4. I personally like when you mention that conflicts are more frequent in poor countries and the children are the ones that most suffer during these conflicts. I would add that these inequalities can not only be between ethnic or/and religious groups, but also social status- eg.Ecuador

  5. I personally like when you mention that conflicts are more frequent in poor countries and the children are the ones that most suffer during these conflicts. I would add that these inequalities can not only be between ethnic or/and religious groups, but also social status- eg.Ecuador
