Monday, July 2, 2012

"Let the good times roll!" (Andres)

"Let the good times roll!"

The insuperable passion for life New Orleanians give out --Laíssez les bons temps rouler -- is what made me feel like home in this unique city.


Music is the soul of this city, no one has a problem finding a band to rock out to, from the many clubs on Frenchmen St, Bourbon St. and Maple St. During my time here, I had the chance to visit many famous music venues like the Maple leaf, The spotted cat, House of Blues among others. And one thing that I can say is that they are packed every night. Spontaneous street dance parties are also natural here, and dancing or clapping with New Oleanders is one of my best experiences in these places. Jazz, blues, and funk, no one does it better than the bands in New Orleans.

The spotted cat, Frenchmen Street.

The Birthplace of Jazz

Discover that NOLA is the birthplace of Jazz was also a great surprise for me. Indeed, I discovered that Jazz was the sound that put New Orleans on the map in terms of music. Jazz is a distinctive sound played with horns which creates harmony. New Orleans jazz has its unique music style.
I did not know that originally Jazz was music for dancing, and not for listening. New Orleans jazz has a swinging, stomping, syncopated musical rhythm that makes you want to dance. In fact I saw many people dancing while the bands were playing; I have to admit that I was in the group of dancers too.  

Brass bands on the street, New Orleans.

New Orleans jazz is also played by brass bands, famous for Mardi Gras street parades. They rely on wind instruments and separate bass and snare drums, all of which can be carried on foot and take the party to the city.

Mardi Grass, New Orleans.

Latin music at New Orleans

Another surprise in New Orleans was that we encounter Latin Music walking around Frenchmen Street. There is a big community of Central and South American here, so there is a lot going on Latin Music. In this time I also had the chance to go out for some salsa dancing and to go to a Bachata concert to see one of my favorite artists “El Torito Acosta”, who is like the father of modern Bachata. I left you a video of that night.
See you soon New Orleans…


  1. Nice post my Ecuadorian friend.
    It's good that you are enjoying the music in the city and learning about the roots of Jazz and Blues.

  2. Thanks my Brazilian friend, hope you learn about Bachata music watching the video. 1, 2 jump.... 1,2 jump.....1,2 jump...

    Y "No vale la pena......"

  3. Andrés
    I´m agree with you; we can´t stop the time, so ¡let the good times roll! Yolanda

  4. Que el amor te da la vida y despues te la quitaaa!!! Latin music is the best! It's awesome the cultural fusion of this city

  5. I had never heard of Bachata before, thanks! Great post! It makes me so happy to see you enjoying New Orleans culture! Thanks for all your great work this session! - Jess
