Monday, June 25, 2012

Policy, the art of living in the city

Since ancient times human beings have become aware about how to balance living in the city; in different ways each society had found its own strategy. If I had the magical ability to remake the world politically in any way I would make some basic things that I think are essentials to make things work.

First, I would create an education system available and the easy access to every child in the world. Since born, children have secured a place in school. Education would be free, and teachers would be one of the highest paid professionals. 

education is a right
I have always thinking that they are one of the most important participants in human development, having a great responsible and a very important influence on their students.

In my dream political world everybody had a job and health services. Everybody would have something to do and never get bored. I think that it is very important for human beings feeling part of something, in this way they can be useful and more productive.

Then, I would change the ecological conscience of the people. Everybody would be concerned about the environment care. We would work in pro of the Earth and thus be able to give back for all the things that have given us. In Schools, children would study subjects about care environment, they could learn different ways to recycle, to create diverse energy sources and they would grow up with ecological beliefs.
But, not all is fantasy. Human Being has shadows, it has a dark side that sometimes comes to light, therefore there would exist a rules system respected by all, and a fair legal system. To conclude, the prisons would be real spaces of change and growth from the fact that people can be reformed if.

    Maria Gabriela Rivas


  1. María <Gabriela
    I´m agree with you, everybody have shadows, and all of us need to learn to work with their owns. (Yolanda)

  2. This is nice, but don't you think you're trying to cover too much at once? Maybe you should focus on just one of these aspects, remember what the proverb says: "jack of all trades, master of none..."

  3. Ii is great that you believe that people can be reformed and they can be given a second chance. In my opinion children or young delinquents can be reformed. I know that it also depends in the family situation and specific circumstances, but if there is a professional work for these people in prisons, I might not be impossible for these people to be reinserted in society.


  4. Yes everyone, thank you for your comments! Mrs Yolanda,I agree with you again, I've always thought that knowing yourself is a great wisdom. That knowledge allows you to take control of your life and get the results you want.

    Yes Mrs Belen, you are right! But in this case I could not stop dreaming in the perfect world, and like magic was limitless I decided to cover several aspects.

    Mr Andres,I agree with you, it is a very difficult topic,especially because behind many crimes, sometimes hides a pathological individual.
