Sunday, June 17, 2012

Beignets at Café Du Monde

Beignets at Café Du Monde

I have to admit something, I just love sweet things, and among them donuts is one of my favorites. So when I heard of these so-called ‘French donuts,’ I knew I had to try them. My brother, Diego C, had previously here and he said Cafe Du Monde is a must-try place in New Orleans. His words were: “you have to try and have one in my name”.

So following his recommendations the last Saturday 16th of June with some of the PUCE’s professor we went to Lake-View mall, in where there was a Café Du Monde restaurant. We waited in line for 5 minutes and each of us ordered one bag of beignets (3 per bag), and cafe latte or Mocha. Everyone order was less than 6 USD, that seems to be a rational price in NO.

Once we got a table, let me tell you, it was love at first bite. They beignets were similar to one of the things that I like the most back home called ‘empanadas’ but without cheese and in a square shape.  Beignets can only be described as square inflated little bites of powdered sugar-covered heaven. Before I had started, I was already covered in powdered sugar. Of course, I was the first one to finish all of them. I bet if you looked in my shorts, you'd still find some sugar.  


 I'm sure I'll be back to Café Du Monde soon.


  1. Nice man.
    Let me know when you want to come back because I want to eat some beignets.

  2. LOL!! You look very funny, just as a little kid having his favorite sweets!! So, were they really messy while eating?

  3. Haha! I'm glad you enjoyed your first beignet experience, your brother would be proud! Good use of visual organization in this blog, too!

  4. heeeeeeeey nice pics!!! we have to go!!! Did you eat all of them?

  5. Yes Mrs Maria, All of them. We can go this weekend. (Andy)

  6. Yolanda
    I would like go to cafe du monde at this moment¡¡
