Monday, June 25, 2012

Better minds

Well, changing the world is something that can be seen as impossible, because always there is some interest behind everything that rules our world.

Something that it’s very useful to make the world a better place is culture and sports.
If our children spending their times not only being prepared to the their professional life, but really be prepared to have a good life, practicing sports, learning how to play an instrument, paint, write, act and about the importance of all cultures in the world 

Music has a magic power and together with sports, other arts, and the “regular” education accessible for ALL children in the same conditions I believe that we can make the next generations with better minds and thoughts.

Cleber Guimarães


I might be out of the topic, but I couldn't write about anything, but:


Lonesome George, the only remaining ‘La Pinta’ Island giant tortoise – believed to be the last of his species – passed away last Sunday. Scientifics did not know his exact age, but George was believed to be about 100 years old. However, one thing that everyone –especially Ecuadorians- knew was that George was the last one.
When first settlers came to the Islands many years ago, the super-sized reptiles were common. However, the introduction of goats brought form the mainland diminished the vegetation that formed their daily diet. In addition, the increase of hunting habits of passing sailors -- left tortoises on the edge of extinction.
George was an icon of the Galapagos Islands and a symbol of the urgent need to conserve nature. Scientists and researchers had tried everything to get Lonesome George to mate and keep his species alive for years.  When I was there last July, our tour guide, had a side job for a while trying to get Lonesome George interested in mating. The tour guide explained us that two females were brought into his enclosure too, and they manage to make George mate with them, although at the end those eggs never hatched. 

In 2007, the islands were declared in environment endangered due to the increase of tourism and population in the Archipelago. The main concern was the introduction of invasive species by tourist or newcomers, which clearly affected the native fauna species of the island. And while George may have been lonesome for being the last of his kind, he was all the time harassed by:  scientists, journalists, and the general public. 

At the end, George was the one that taught us the important lesson. We-humans- have to be responsible with the environment, since there are changes that cannot be reverted. In my opinion, he lived in danger all the time. Until now I’m reading news people saying that:’ I’m happy that I got to ride on George when he was alive’. I can’t believe how people are not ashamed of what are we doing with our unique world.   

In my personal opinion, this is a clearly example on how humans are just destroying its own piece of land without thinking on the consequences. Last Sunday, the excessive tourism and human activities had affected the Galapagos Islands in a way that can’t be remediated. Humans have to learn how to conserve nature, without getting to these lamentable threshold points. Indeed, learning to be sustainable and meet human needs without compromising other species rights to do the same, is the main idea of how can we make our planet a better place to live in. 

Rest in peace George. 

Politics (Belén)

Politicks is the science of good sense, applied to public affairs, and, as those are forever changing, what is wisdom to-day would be folly and perhaps, ruin to-morrow. Politicks is not a science so properly as a business. It cannot have fixed principles, from which a wise man would never swerve, unless the inconstancy of men's view of interest and the capriciousness of the tempers could be fixed. [Fisher Ames (1758-1808)]

Personally, I believe that this a very accurate quote regarding what politics really are, and it might partially help you understand the reason for my answer to the question stated in this assignment. How can we change men’s interest and capriciousness of tempers? How can we stop men from fighting over power or for competing to see who the best is?

Since the beginning of times, men have fought among themselves to prove that they are worthy, and once they have obtained power, they have actually struggle to keep it. It is our nature; it comes from our deeper instincts as animals, as one of the million species that live in this planet. The only thing distinguishing us from other animals is the capacity of thinking and communicating such thoughts, and the ability of differentiating bad from good. But, what is bad and what is good?, what is right? What is wrong? The answers for these questions are all relative, just as any other aspect regarding abstract concepts, and politics are based on that. So, maybe, what is good for one will harm the other… Men work on a basis of personal interest, which is why they will not accept changes if they are not, let’s say, “fit” for them, and how would I as a single individual be able to choose for the millions of people living in Earth?

Politics is not something we can play with as Gods or Goddesses, by moving the pieces as if it were a chessboard. Moreover, we should really think of what we want to accomplish and the consequences that those actions might have. Politics cannot be handled in the same way everywhere, it is not about magic, and if it were, and if I had the magical ability to remake the world politically in any way I thought convenient, I would not change it at all. It is not up to me to decide because if I did I would base such decisions on my own set of interests, and it might not suit everyone. I agree on the fact that things are not right, but I believe that changes have to start at an individual level on a social basis, meaning that we can have things our way as long as we do not harm ourselves or others, and that the best thing for actually changing things to the way in which most people may think appropriate is by educating ourselves and the generations to come under such principles.

Policy, the art of living in the city

Since ancient times human beings have become aware about how to balance living in the city; in different ways each society had found its own strategy. If I had the magical ability to remake the world politically in any way I would make some basic things that I think are essentials to make things work.

First, I would create an education system available and the easy access to every child in the world. Since born, children have secured a place in school. Education would be free, and teachers would be one of the highest paid professionals. 

education is a right
I have always thinking that they are one of the most important participants in human development, having a great responsible and a very important influence on their students.

In my dream political world everybody had a job and health services. Everybody would have something to do and never get bored. I think that it is very important for human beings feeling part of something, in this way they can be useful and more productive.

Then, I would change the ecological conscience of the people. Everybody would be concerned about the environment care. We would work in pro of the Earth and thus be able to give back for all the things that have given us. In Schools, children would study subjects about care environment, they could learn different ways to recycle, to create diverse energy sources and they would grow up with ecological beliefs.
But, not all is fantasy. Human Being has shadows, it has a dark side that sometimes comes to light, therefore there would exist a rules system respected by all, and a fair legal system. To conclude, the prisons would be real spaces of change and growth from the fact that people can be reformed if.

    Maria Gabriela Rivas

How Yolanda would change the world

Humberto Maturana
Love is the grounding of our existence as humans and is the basic emotioning in our systemic identity as human beings.

Hello everybody

Why we do what we do?

Because, We have learned do that.
I´m absolutely convinced that if we change education, We can change the world.

In 1955 no one of us had be borne, but yesterday while We were watching the movie The long walk home, I thought.  The world had changed; We receive, in many senses, a better world.
In our days there is more equality between genders, We are more ethic, We have more integrity as human beings. The problems continue but there are more social responsibility and more social awareness about how our actions have consequences. 

We can make changes, everybody can be more: positive, optimistic, kind, honest, ethic; SO I MUST TRY, if I change someone else could changes, but it is sure that at least one person changed, ME.

Transforming education is transforming the world. We need to find a way to establish more consensuses about what constitutes positive and negative conduct, what is right and what is wrong. We need to learn to speak respecting differences and accepting that everybody has a partly right.

The problem with politicians is that when they are trying to get the power; he or she is no thinking in how I can serve people, he or she is usually thinking, how I am going to take advantages, or wow I´m powerful, but it is a personal selfish way to understand the power.

Artists always express better.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Edison Politics and Reciprocity (how to change the world)

I will use the Maslow's hierarchy of needs to explain how could have a better world. There is an abundance of beauty and good in the world, but it still has plenty of problems. The world could be made better. Many of us would like to help build a better world. Below are things that I think anyone can do to help build a better world.


Leaders around the world could work in many basic factors Maslow's hierarchy of needs for creating programs that concern it.

FOOD (First level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs).

To eliminate extreme poverty and hunger, reducing poverty starts with children.

More than 30 per cent of children in developing countries – about 600 million – live on less than US $1 a day.

HEALTH AND EDUCATION.  (Second level Maslow's hierarchy of needs).  Getting girls to   school.

Educated girls are likely to marry later and have healthier children. They are more productive at home and better place, better able to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS and more able to participate in decision-making at all levels.

RESPECT FOR OTHERS (Fourth level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs).
Creating a protective child environment. Conflicts are most frequent in poor countries, especially in those that are ill governed and where there are sharp inequalities between ethnic or religious groups. An environment of unrest heightens the risk of abduction, sexual violence and exploitation of children.


OWN YOURSELF. Recognize that you are a sovereign and unique Individual and make the decision to own yourself in spirit, mind and body. Become the owner of your life and destiny and take personal responsibility for them. This essential decision will guide your other decisions in life, re-orienting and re-creating your existence around the principle of personal sovereignty. Recognizing the sovereignty of other Individuals provides the foundation for ethical social interactions. Owning yourself and recognizing the sovereignty of others are both ongoing processes.
BE A MENTOR. Consider what you have achieved by owning yourself, becoming powerful and creating value and how you can help that process to replicate itself in the lives of others by acting as a mentor. A mentor is formally defined as someone who acts as a trusted counselor or teacher. Informally, a mentor is someone who draws out the potential in others and helps them to develop it.

We can try it.