Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Traces of New Orleans

I have been here for just 35 days and I feel I have much more time. New Orleans is an amazing city, very different from other cities that I know.  Its friendly atmosphere allows you to be who you are without judgment. This multicultural city brings together the best of each of the cultures that compose them. I think that is one of the reason for that here exist many strong subcultures. That is incredible, in my country also exist some kind of subcultures but people tend to judge what their perceived differently, as a result people have too many limitations and behavior is conditioned by the duty-to be. 

This is a city with personality; I think it has many ways of living. If you are a quiet person who prefers to go to the park every afternoon and stay around uptown, you are able to do. If you like party, and music, and noise, and see a lot of different people, you are able too. But you can do both in a day because you got the best of both worlds. 


 There are three things of New Orleans or the time I spent here that left me marked. First, the long road between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, at the beginning I did not like the idea, but then I started to enjoy the trip. The beautiful view of the lake with the oil refineries as background reminded me the view of the most important lake in Venezuela, Maracaibo Lake, which holds in his depths all our oil. It is very ease to take for granted that trip details, but when you start to be aware of the marvels that surround you the road becomes less boring. 

Maracaibo Lake

Pontchartrain Lake

Then there is a perfect place to exercise outdoors and to be with yourself around many beautiful trees, the Audubon Park.  As I said in my first blog, this park has a great meaning to me and it gives New Orleans a very special touch.

And finally I will never forget the generosity of the people and the enthusiasm with which they live. I don’t know if it is because everyone is used to treat with tourists but, at least, in downtown especially in restaurants and stores that I visited people were always very happy and interested in helping you.

Antoine's Restaurant

 The better way to explain the whole thing is telling you a little story that happened to my aunt in a taxi. The driver and she was talking about Katrina and she asked him why he had decided to return knowing that something like that could occur anytime.  He answered: Well, that is the price to live in paradise. 

Maria Gabriela Rivas


  1. María Gabriela
    Maracaibo Lake and Pontchartrain Lake looks very similar, very nice places. Maybe we are always looking for similarities.

  2. After reading your blog I will pay more attention to my surroundings on my way home! What a great post! I'm so glad you've been able to experience so many parts of Louisiana! Thank you for all your hard work! - Jess
