Monday, July 2, 2012

New Orleans

Well, here we are in our last week of classes.
On these 3 weeks I'm enjoying a lot to be here. The city is amazing, has a very good weather and a lot of good places to go, and I'll show some places that I went to and loved.

First a Jazz concert at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel ballroom, a very beautiful room. All the musicians were very good and I had a excellent time there.

The Maple Leaf is a very nice place. I watched the Bos Clas and the Brother Dege there. Brother Dege is a very talent musician, he plays alone with his acoustic guitar and it's incredible how all the spaces in the musics are filled. The Bos Clas is a very good band, with some nice own songs and they made a very good King Crimson cover.

Can you imagine a museum where you can walk around while listening a very good music?
Well, here in New Orleans you can do this in the Ogden Museum. Every Friday the Ogden After Hours give to us a chance to experience this. I loved to be there, a very nice place with very good music. The Ken Swartz and the Palace of Sin was the band that was playing there. They are from New Orleans and play an old Blues style.

It's hard to choose the best place. Every place has their unique qualities and I enjoying all of them, but there is one that is very special for me: The Spotted Cat.
I love the HBO's tv shows Treme and some episodes were filmed at the Spotted Cat. Be there listening New Orleans bands was amazing. One of the band that I watched was New Orleans Jazz Vipers, a band that I already knew because of the Treme shows. The Spotted Cat is a very small place and get crowed easily, but it's a wonderful and amazing place to be. I'll come back there this weekend for sure.

This song is from Treme TV show. Enjoy it!!!

Cleber Guimarães


  1. Nice post my Brazilian friend.
    It's good that you are enjoying the music in the city and learning English at the same time. Also was good to have your camera with us to record all of that moments. Also was very helpful your your previous research about NOLA music.(Andrés)

  2. I really enjoyed the museum visit! Thanks for the company and thanks Jess for taking us!!! (Maria)

  3. Cleber, I don't think I've ever had a student who dedicated so much passion to New Orleans culture and music. You've inspired even me to explore more and your work is excellent! I hope you can return to New Orleans one day!
