Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Orleans so far...! (Belén)

Well, it’s been three weeks since I got here and I’ve had some really good experiences. Since my arrival in New Orleans on Saturday, June 9th, I realized this city was completely  different from any place I’ve been before, and it was not only because of what I had read or researched about it before coming, but it was just something in the air, maybe something magical and a bit strange.  After leaving my bags at the residence, I met Cleber and Andrés and we went to Bourbon Street, we had some nice Gumbo, Jambalaya and Rice and Beans, and then we went to the French Market and to the Creole Tomato Festival, it was really interesting, and people all over were very nice and polite, it seemed as if they already knew us, and smiled and say “hi”! It was good for a change! On Sunday I went downtown on my own, and spent a lot of time walking all around. When I got tired, I went to the shores of the Mississippi River and sat on a bench, just watching the people pass. 
Of course, Monday arrived, and classes began, it was then when I realized that I was not really going to have a lot of free time during the week, so I had to make the best out of my weekends. And so, the second weekend came and I enjoyed it a lot, Jazz at a hotel, the Zoo, it was great!! And just like this, another week had gone by.

Next Saturday the Catfish Festival; at first it wasn’t what I was expecting – a big festival, full of places to eat and shop and local bands playing – it was nice though, I got four books for one dollar and that was crazy!! We had a great time there, and the best thing was that we got home early and we were able to take the shuttle to Lakeside Mall and so, in the afternoon we went shopping!! We spent 5 hours at the mall, it was great!! On Sunday we went back to the French Quarter and the Mississippi!! Some more shopping at the French Market, and back for the Long Walk Home – nice movie, by the way!

Last week was really wonderful; I dare say it was the best! On Tueday Dookey Chase and the Museum, and then, my weekend began on Thursday this time, I went to the Aquarium and it was a unique experience, I’ve never been to one before, it was great!!

 But the best thing was Hamlet at Tulane, it was so incredibly amazing, I just loved it, the way the actors were able to capture the essence of Shakespeare’s play was simply astonishing!! On Saturday we went to the Honey Island Swamp Tour, and it was also amazing, it was the first time I’ve ever seen alligators in the wild, and I can really say it was breath-taking to watch those animals so close, I have no words to describe the feeling. Later on, in the afternoon we went to Tanger Outlets, and I found some really good and cheap things, so I had to buy them all!!

 After a crazy Saturday came a touching Sunday, Yolanda and I went to Saint Augustine Catholic Church. I was looking for a church where Gospel was sung, because one of my best friends wanted me to record it for her. However, when we got there, I was so overwhelmed by the service that I just didn’t record anything, besides I realized that it would have been disrespectful to do so. It was really touching to see and listen to people singing from their hearts, and truly believing in something greater than themselves. I’m not a religious person; I’ve never been, however, while I was there I felt how people connected to each other, and let the best of them out, I cannot really explain my feelings at that exact moment, but it was simply great. After church, we went to the French Market once more, then, we walked along the shores of the Mississippi, and finally we ended up at Harrah’s Casino!!  We didn’t spend but two dollars. We just walked around talking about how interesting it was to see people wasting a whole lot of money there, and how addictive it can get. After that, we had a nice hamburger and we came back home.
 Looking back, I can say that it’s been a great trip, I’ve really had an amazing time here, and I still have one more week to go, and one more cultural aspect to see… 4th of July in New Orleans!!

Traces of New Orleans

I have been here for just 35 days and I feel I have much more time. New Orleans is an amazing city, very different from other cities that I know.  Its friendly atmosphere allows you to be who you are without judgment. This multicultural city brings together the best of each of the cultures that compose them. I think that is one of the reason for that here exist many strong subcultures. That is incredible, in my country also exist some kind of subcultures but people tend to judge what their perceived differently, as a result people have too many limitations and behavior is conditioned by the duty-to be. 

This is a city with personality; I think it has many ways of living. If you are a quiet person who prefers to go to the park every afternoon and stay around uptown, you are able to do. If you like party, and music, and noise, and see a lot of different people, you are able too. But you can do both in a day because you got the best of both worlds. 


 There are three things of New Orleans or the time I spent here that left me marked. First, the long road between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, at the beginning I did not like the idea, but then I started to enjoy the trip. The beautiful view of the lake with the oil refineries as background reminded me the view of the most important lake in Venezuela, Maracaibo Lake, which holds in his depths all our oil. It is very ease to take for granted that trip details, but when you start to be aware of the marvels that surround you the road becomes less boring. 

Maracaibo Lake

Pontchartrain Lake

Then there is a perfect place to exercise outdoors and to be with yourself around many beautiful trees, the Audubon Park.  As I said in my first blog, this park has a great meaning to me and it gives New Orleans a very special touch.

And finally I will never forget the generosity of the people and the enthusiasm with which they live. I don’t know if it is because everyone is used to treat with tourists but, at least, in downtown especially in restaurants and stores that I visited people were always very happy and interested in helping you.

Antoine's Restaurant

 The better way to explain the whole thing is telling you a little story that happened to my aunt in a taxi. The driver and she was talking about Katrina and she asked him why he had decided to return knowing that something like that could occur anytime.  He answered: Well, that is the price to live in paradise. 

Maria Gabriela Rivas

Monday, July 2, 2012


We are starting our last week in New Orleans!!!!!

 I´m excited, I´m anxious….. These last three weeks flew, and I have a blended mood of happiness and sadness. I remember my first day, when I arrived; it was raining and one hour later the sun shined, 

I felt in home,                
It is like Quito!,

I though, 


 New Orleans is diverse; people from different descendents live in the city. Today we talked about some aspects related with the social problems that you can see here.  

       However this city unifies 
       the spirit of a country 
       that was formed 
       by immigrants from 
       different backgrounds,
       who found a common 
        place  to be their HOME.

This city has someting, I can fell the passion and the heart of the people when I listened the musicians in the Trad Jazz Fest, or when they play music in the street, or when I enjoy their friendless, even when I walk around Audubon Park I can find little things that tell me “this is a city with soul.”
New Orleans offered me a large amount of arts, architecture, touristic places, culture, events; although the most important thing in these days was to have time for me. Places like Audubon Park bring me the environment to take a break, and to think, to fell, this was my major gift.   

New Orleans, in these weeks have being my home too, I stay here and love this city— heart and soul.

Edison last week in New Orleans

My last activities in New Orleans have been excellent; I started assisting to the panel With Mrs. Cindy Chang at Roussel Hall.
People talked about how Louisiana’s prison population has increased exponentially in the past few decades.
The panel featured some personalities related of Louisiana law, as well as former prisoners and criminal justice advocates

I went to Catfish Festival where shared nice moments with Karen and my classmates. The festival gets started at 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. Sunday. Activities include pay-one-price rides, games. You should also be ready to dance, as live music is provided throughout the festival by some of South Louisiana’s favorite musicians.


Honey island swamp.

I enjoyed with wildlife stretches of the river and of Honey Island from the comfort of a tour boat, I saw the alligators, many species of exotic birds also make their homes in this swamp.


Thank you all staff of Loyola University who have been very friendly, and ready to help us.